Tuition Information

GPCP Board of Directors has set the following tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 school year:

Annual Registration Fee (in-house family/new family): $150/$175

Annual Enrollment Fee: One month’s tuition

Siblings will receive a 10% discount on morning program tuition. (Discount is taken off the lower tuition rate.)

An enrollment fee equal to one month’s tuition is due at the time of enrollment.

Morning Program Monthly Tuition (8:30Am-12:30PM)

Early Arrival and Morning Program (7:30Am-12:30PM)

Morning Program and Extended day (8:30AM-3:30, 4:30, 5:30PM)

Early Arrival, Morning Program, And Extended Day (7:30AM-3:30, 4:30, 5:30PM)



Tuition payments are always due in advance on the first calendar day of each month (preceding the month of service) with a ten-day grace period. The first payment is due on July 1st and the last payment is due on April 1st. For more information about tuition policies please refer to the Family Handbook.

Please drop all payments in the mailbox outside of the red double doors on Sydney Street. GPCP also utilizes MyProcare to allow for convenient online payments. Families can access account balances and payment history at any time. MyProcare does charge a small processing fee.



The school has funds available for the Scholarship Program. These funds are limited and we consider applications for up to 50% of regular tuition. Decisions regarding the allocation of scholarship funds are made by the Scholarship Committee and recipients are notified. The allocation of funds is made in a manner that allows the greatest benefit to the largest number of applicants. The requirements for parental involvement apply equally to all parents, including those families receiving scholarship assistance.

For any questions regarding tuition/scholarships, please reach out using the form below.